Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Effects of Bulimia

Chicago Dentist - The Effects of Bulimia
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Do you know about - The Effects of Bulimia

Chicago Dentist! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

People with bulimia have an eating disorder that causes them to binge on food and then, usually, throw up the food while binge-and-purge cycles. Some citizen may practice excessively or abuse diuretics or laxatives. Although there is no known cause of bulimia, citizen who suffer from the disorder tend to be perfectionists who strive to make others happy, and they may also be stressed or depressed. Genetics and communal messages also contribute to bulimia's development.

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How is The Effects of Bulimia

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One of the most marked effects of bulimia is on the teeth and mouth. Frequent vomiting brings up stomach acid into the mouth, eroding teeth's enamel. Cavities and gum infections are common in citizen with bulimia. The stomach acid also irritates the esophagus, producing heartburn, and the salivary glands, production them swell.

Bulimia harms the whole body. citizen with bulimia also tend to be constipated from laxative abuse and improper nutrition. Bulimics typically eat high calorie, low nutritional value foods like breads or ice cream. As a result, they may be undernourished and have dry skin, hair, and nails. Bulimia causes mineral and vitamin deficiencies and can lead to lasting kidney problems, along with kidney failure. Dehydration is also common in citizen with bulimia. Undernourishment and dehydration lower the body's electrolytes, causing an irregular heartbeat or heart problems. The effects can be serious. When potassium drops severely, it can cause the heart to stop, resulting in death.

Bulimia affects people's reasoning and emotional well-being. These problems can come directly from bulimia, or bulimia may be a response to the other problems. citizen with bulimia may be tired and unable to achieve at peak levels from the reasoning and bodily stress bulimia puts on the mind and body. Depression, low self-esteem, and ultimate perfectionism are common in citizen with bulimia. Bulimia can cause tension with house and friends, interrupting the lives of citizen with the disorder.

The most severe consequent of bulimia is death. Ten percent of citizen with bulimia at last die from its effects, regularly from the electrolyte imbalance caused by dehydration.

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